Release notes - August 2020


  • Added: Learners now receive a feedback alert after handing in a version in the hand-in assignment.
  • Improved: It is possible to search the homepage for courses that haven’t been started yet.


  • Improved: Toggling a template functionality in the template settings will directly check/select all sub-options.
  • Improved: The content management page is now a stand-alone page, within the ‘More’ button.
  • Added: An explanation on the content management page.
  • Improved: The navigation of while editing activities. We changed the 'Cancel' button into a 'Back to template' button. 


  • Improved: various changes to the Dashboard, including: 
    • The order of the data is now shown highest to lowest.

    • All learners (including those that haven't started the course yet) are now shown in the activity progress.

    • Combined the various statistics pages into one page with multiple tabs.

    • Redesign of the learner and course statistics.


  • Added: Possibility to import users
  • Added: To make aNewSpring more secure, all new passwords must contain 8 or more characters.


  • Added: Option to display the events in the product. (Potential) learners can already see (or even enrol for) the events, before purchasing/adding the product.

Look & feel settings

  • Added: A "Back to overview" button, so you use “Update” to save changes.


  • Improved: Changed icons on several pages


  • Improved: Prevent blocking of the servers when users spam data into fields for passwords or access codes. 

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